
6 companies | 10 products
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ring rolling
ring rolling

The Boën forge was founded at the end of the 19th century with the creation of Establishments Moizieux. Its know-how has developed over the course of technological developments in response to the industrial needs of each era.‍ Our ...

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cold rolling
cold rolling

PLATE ROLLING ODDO Metal operates with 5 CNC plate rolling machines that enables us to bend materials up to the length of 4 meters with a sensitive precision.

ring rolling
ring rolling

Engraving of rolling mills that are used on pulling profiles, wires, strings, electrodes, iron and copper etc. materials named as hot and cold pulling rolling mill, ring, pulley, roller, disk or forming roller ring etc. can be manufactured ...

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Doğa Makina ith. ihr
metal rolling
metal rolling

WHO WE ARE We are a company that is dedicated to produce superior-quality CNC machined and custom metal parts to customer specifications. With a strong focus on continual improvement, we rely only on the best practices to serve our customers ...

cold rolling
cold rolling

Cold Rolling is a process by which the sheet metal or strip stock is introduced between rollers and then compressed and squeezed. The amount of strain introduced determines the hardness and other material properties of the finished product. Introduction ...

hot rolling
hot rolling

Roll Type Application Alloy Indefinite chilled roll Intermediate &Finishing stand for section steel, wire rods , strip steel Alloy chilled cast iron roll Finishing stand for section steel , wire rod , strip ...

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