2-stage burners

6 companies | 23 products
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premix burner
premix burner
CX Series

Power: 50 kW

Premix Gas Burners ( Modulated / One Stage) CX Series Premix Burner ( Natural Gas and LPG ) Combustion chambers Steam boilers, Condensing boilers Painting Booths It is used in pastry ...

nozzle mix burner
nozzle mix burner

Power: 15 kW - 100 kW

... requirements. Bentone gas burners are designed and approved in accordance with the European standard EN 676. Our BFG 1 burners saves energy and are compatible with the environmental requirements and is ...

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Bentone - Enertech AB
monobloc burner
monobloc burner

Power: 26 kW - 187 kW

... all equipment without dismounting the burner from the boiler, Specially designed, compact, 1kW internal fuel heater, Safety-operation and limit thermostat for temperature control, 3-stage fuel safety ...

duct burner
duct burner
TL5 series

Power: 0 kW

... incinerator comprises 5 components: a fan, flue gas inducer, burner, five-layer casing, and control system. The flue gas circulates twice within the furnace, while fresh air circulates thrice. The burner ...

nozzle mix burner
nozzle mix burner
MPDL series

Power: 57 kW - 285 kW

See the other products
Blowtherm S.p.A.
nozzle mix burner
nozzle mix burner
HMB series

Power: 350,000 BTU/h - 650,000 BTU/h

The burners are equipped with advanced silicon carbide firing tubes and incorporate 2-stage combustion. HMB Burners are available in two nominal capacity sizes: 350,000 ...

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