4-pole pressure sensors

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relative pressure sensor
relative pressure sensor

Pressure range: -1 bar - 600 bar
Precision: 0.5 %
Long-term stability: 0.5 %

LFT2000 Ceramic Pressure Transmitter is widely used in the measurement of fluid medium pressure in test systems such as fire protection, water treatment, water supply systems, air compressors, pneumatic ...

strain gauge pressure sensor
strain gauge pressure sensor
PTE7100 series

Pressure range: 0 bar - 600 bar
Precision: 0.25, 1.5 %
Process temperature: -40 °C - 125 °C

The PTE7100 pressure sensor is the ideal solution for customers with challenging measuring requirements for general industrial applications in the mid and high pressure ranges. Utilizing ...

absolute pressure sensor
absolute pressure sensor

Pressure range: -1 bar - 600 bar
Precision: 1 %
Long-term stability: 0.2 %

... connections as well as all industry standard pressure ranges and output signals to meet many application requirements. HPT300-S with a ceramic measuring cell are designed for highest pressure with nominal ...

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