4-pole pressure transmitters

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relative pressure transmitter
relative pressure transmitter
DCT 541

Pressure range: 0 bar - 1,000 bar
Process temperature: -40 °C - 125 °C

Pressure Transmitter DCT 541 The industrial pressure transmitter DCT 541 was especially developed for hydrogen applications and can also be used with other technical ...

differential pressure transmitter
differential pressure transmitter
982R.6 series

Pressure range: 0 Pa - 100,000 Pa
Precision: 2, 3, 1 %
Process temperature: -20 °C - 70 °C

The differential pressure transmitters of the 982R series are used to measure differential pressure, overpressure and vacuum. They provide one adjustable pressure ...

differential pressure transmitter
differential pressure transmitter
985v series

Pressure range: 0 mbar - 100 mbar
Long-term stability: 1 %
Process temperature: -20 °C - 70 °C

The transmitters of the 985V series are used to measure volume flow or flow velocity and pressure. A jumper enables switching between volume flow or flow velocity and pressure measurement. Applications ...

relative pressure transmitter
relative pressure transmitter

Pressure range: 400,000 Pa
Precision: 1.5 %
Process temperature: -10 °C - 50 °C

DPT-R8 series differential pressure transmitters are engineered for building automation in the HVAC/R industry. The most technologically advanced transmitters on the market measuring ...

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