48 V servo-actuators

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3 companies | 5 products
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linear servo-actuator
linear servo-actuator
EMB series

Stroke : 40 mm - 300 mm
Force: 0.35 kN
Torque: 0.16 Nm - 0.95 Nm

LIM-TEC EMB Series Servo Electric Cylinder with advanced servo cylinder structure design and imported parts assembly, ensure that Lim-Tec servo electric cylinder in the domestic leading ...

telescopic servo-actuator
telescopic servo-actuator

Stroke : 50 mm - 5,000 mm
Force: 0.1 kN - 500 kN
Speed: 10 mm/s - 200 mm/s

LIM-TEC Telescopic Cylinder TL Series with advanced cylinder structure design and imported parts assembly; Rated load from 10kgs to 50 tons; Maximum speed is 200 mm/s, 100% work-duty;Precise control speed, high performance, high dynamic ...

linear servo-actuator
linear servo-actuator

Torque: 44 Nm - 229 Nm

... can be used as a separate platform for customer-specific application programming. The system operates with DC voltages of 24V or 48V. Communication with the machine controller is possible ...

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Harmonic Drive SE
linear servo-actuator
linear servo-actuator

Torque: 1.8 Nm - 34 Nm

The servo actuator of the FLA Series consists of a brushless DC motor and a precision gear with output bearing. The series offers maximum torque between 1.8 Nm and 34 Nm and is available in four sizes. Flexibility ...

See the other products
Harmonic Drive SE
rotary servo-actuator
rotary servo-actuator
SHA-SG series

Torque: 120, 113, 73, 107, 96 Nm
Speed: 1.68 m/s - 53.31 m/s
Ambient temperature: 0 °C - 40 °C

SHA-SG Series AC Servo Actuators provide high torque and highly accurate rotary operation. These hollow shaft servo actuators utilize Harmonic Drive® precision strain ...

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