AC diodes

3 companies | 3 products
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TVS diode
TVS diode
8.0SMDJ series

DC voltage: 13.3 V - 135 V
Reverse voltage: 12 V - 110 V

The 8.0SMDJ High Voltage TVS Diode solution provides 8000W of peak pulse power dissipation in a compact DO-214AB SMC package. • Provides 8kW peak pulse power capability at 10/1000μs waveform, excellent clamping performance, ...

fast recovery diode
fast recovery diode

DC voltage: 280, 380, 330, 340 V
Reverse voltage: 4,500, 5,500, 6,000 V

Diodes can be subdivided into two main classes: Rectifier diodes (standard recovery) and fast diodes. Rectifier diodes are generally used for conversion of AC ...

SCR diode
SCR diode
SKN 2F50/04

DC voltage: 1.2, 1.8 V
Reverse voltage: 400 V - 1,000 V

Rectifier Diodes ADSN2F50-04 AS ENERGITM in stud design, is a replacement, analogue, alternative and equivalent semiconductor device for diode SKN 2F50/04 Semikron. Diode package – E10, ...

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