Acetone detectors

7 companies | 11 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement4.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement4}}

{{product.productLabel}} {{product.model}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement4.length}}
{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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gas detector
gas detector
Gas Pen 2000 Ex

Schütz Messtechnik´s Gas Pen 2000 Ex is the rugged gas detector for every leak! This gas detection device is ideal for leak detection on exposed gas lines and fittings inlcuding those indoors. It can also be used for ...

gas detector
gas detector
GPD 3000 Ex

... swell and the leak is temporarily sealed again. This GPD 3000 Ex avoids these false readings. This portable handheld gas detector has very simple programming that provides exact results. - Simple - Light - Exact - Rugged The ...

gas detector
gas detector
GPL 3000 EX

... materials to swell and the leak is temporarily sealed again. The GPL 3000 Ex avoids these false readings. The handheld gas detector is easy to use, even for gas detection beginners. The LED light scale allows the user ...

multi-gas detector
multi-gas detector
XP-3000II series

Portable combustible gas detectors are a repacement for the succesfull XP-3110 and XP-3160 portable gas detectors. Portable combustible gas detector, easy to use for the detection of ...

LEL detector
LEL detector

LEL CONTROL, DETECTION OF FLAMMABLE GASES FOR OVENS, DUCTS AND FLOWS. Sagittarius5000 model analyzer with infrared technology for LEL control in ovens and ducts for solvent applications. Characteristics: •Performance level “d” certified ...

gas detector
gas detector

RS485 detectors for the detection of explosive gases using catalytic technology – pellistor -, designed exclusively for DURGAS and EUROSONDELCO systems. DURTEX HC PRO. Available gases: methane-natural gas, butane-propane, ...

gas detector
gas detector

STANDGAS HC PRO is a stand-alone detector using catalytic technology for the detection of explosive gases and provided with a relay output. Stand-alone functioning: no control panel required. Available gases: methane-natural ...

gas detector
gas detector

STANDGAS PRO LCD Exp is a stand-alone catalytic technology detector for explosive gas detection. Stand-alone functioning, no control panel required. There is also available a standalone version with RS485 communication ...

gas detector
gas detector

Acetone sensor is MEMS-technology based gas sensor with semiconductor nanomaterial as sensing material, which can detect acetone of different concentrations in exhaled breath. Characteristic: The ...

gas detector
gas detector

P-4535 Acetone gas detector is designed to detect Acetone in industrial areas. ATEX, IECEx certified P-4535 is ready to use in an explosive atmosphere. Pellistor sensor in P-4535 shows ...

explosives detector
explosives detector

FEATURES SF-100Y is our new generation liquid scanner, it can accurate detect liquid explosives, gasoline, acetone, ethanol and other dangerous liquid. USAGE lntelligent design, easy operate and harmless to human ...

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