Acid filter media

2 companies | 3 products
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polypropylene filter medium
polypropylene filter medium
S-PP 30

Medium thickness: 0.25 mm

Polypropylene Nonwoven Filter Fleece for pressure belt filters Thermally and dot embossed polypropylene nonwovens have good strength properties and moreover a good chemical resistance. They are frequently ...

polypropylene filter medium
polypropylene filter medium
S-PP 70

Medium thickness: 0.45 mm

Polypropylene Nonwoven Filter Fleece for pressure belt filters Thermally and dot embossed polypropylene nonwovens have good strength properties and moreover a good chemical resistance. They are frequently ...

fabric filter medium
fabric filter medium
CS29®, CS52

... protection against acids. CS29® is a finish that provides excellent protection for the needle felt against acids, alkalis and hydrolysis. What's more, CS29® features outstanding oil and water repellency. CS52 ...

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