Adhesive pumping units

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2 companies | 4 products
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mobile pumping unit
mobile pumping unit
734828-xx series

Pressure: 0.3 bar - 6 bar

Power supply, multi-stage filtration, high reproducibility control Industrial applications: controlled distribution of anti-adhesive / release agents / paints

pneumatic pumping unit
pneumatic pumping unit
734 series

Pressure: 0.3 bar - 6 bar

Power supply, multi-stage filtration, high reproducibility control Industrial applications: controlled distribution of anti-adhesive / release agents / paints

drum pumping unit
drum pumping unit

Pressure: 24.6 bar

Integrated feeding, filtration and mixing equipment for 200 lt drums Industrial applications: controlled distribution of adhesives / release agents

adhesive pumping unit
adhesive pumping unit

... DRU is a hydraulic pumping unit developed by Delta Application Technics. It meets the safety requirements to ensure a safe and ergonomic work environment for your operators. With the possibility to push ...

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