Adiabatic condensers

3 companies | 3 products
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adiabatic condenser
adiabatic condenser

Adiabatic Condensers In an adiabatic system, the evaporation energy of the water provides cooling of the air. An adiabatic system results in cooling of the air at the ...

adiabatic condenser
adiabatic condenser
PAD-VR series

... management system. How it works. The PAD-VR adiabatic condenser follows the same principle as the PAD-V adiabatic dry cooler for liquids: dry operation in cold weather, adiabatic ...

axial condenser
axial condenser
LCC series

AIR-COOLED CONDENSERS LCC SERIES High-performance V-shaped modular condensers with microchannel heat exchangers, suitable for HFC and HFO refrigerants, ammonia and carbon dioxide 100 – 800 kW HIGH-END, ...

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