Adjustable cam levers

4 companies | 5 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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stainless steel cam lever
stainless steel cam lever
GN 927.7

... correct order. With clamping levers with eccentrical cam GN 927.7 clamping forces of up to 8 kN can be reached. The type A has the following benefits: The distance between the lever ...

stainless steel cam lever
stainless steel cam lever

... BETWEEN THE LEVER AND THE CAM SLIDING BASE Polyamide based technopolymer (PA), black colour. CAM SLIDING BASE Polyamide-based SUPER-technopolymer (PA), black colour. ADJUSTABLE ...

adjustable cam lever
adjustable cam lever

Adjustable handles, technopolymer, steel or stainless steel clamping element Lever body: Glass-fibre reinforced polyamide based (PA) technopolymer, grey-black colour, matte finish. Built-in zinc alloy ...

stainless steel cam lever
stainless steel cam lever

Compact cam levers. Easy clamping and unclamping by cam design. Handle operating position is adjustable to the desired direction. Clamping force: 400N - 700N

plastic cam lever
plastic cam lever
04233-04 inch

Cam levers, stainless steel, adjustable with external thread, plastic thrust washer and stainless steel stud, inch Product description These cam levers ...

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