Alarm system

9 companies | 9 products
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alarm system
alarm system
GW-SK 6.1

... , 2 alarm groups 3 alarm thresholds, 6 sensors, 1 alarm group The gas alarm system features a display with alternating indication ...

alarm system
alarm system

... Indicator) Alarm System. When an overpressure or vacuum condition causes a disc to rupture, the BDI immediately sends a signal to the control room to alert the system ...

alarm system
alarm system

... emergency alarm and light system features an amber flashing light and 90 db at 10 feet (304.8 cm), buzzer that is operated by a double pole, double throw flow switch. Unit is activated when the emergency ...

alarm system
alarm system

The Airskid AL12 alarm report is an electrical and pneumatic alarm system for monitoring any anomaly or alarm generated by a breathing air analysis system. Powered ...

alarm system
alarm system

... help and also further devices that send data to both the mobile application for resolving alarms and to the web application for administration of the complete system. If someone finds themselves in a ...

alarm system
alarm system

This alarm system comes with a big metal sensor which can be easily installed on a shutter and it gives out a loud siren on intrusion. • Highly reliable key-enabled micro-controller ...

alarm system
alarm system

... justice to this complex topic in training. From the central hazard alarm system to the individual detectors for water, smoke, gases and glass breakage to access control via RFID chips, ...

alarm system
alarm system

... remote wireless alarm eyewash system developed. It has the unique advantages that the receiving device is small, lightweight, flexible, easy to install and use, and low maintenance cost which solve issues ...

alarm system
alarm system

Name:GSM SMS Power Line Loss Alarm(GSM Outdoor Alarm,8DI/2DO) Model:S250 The GSM Power Line Loss Alarm (GSM Outdoor Alarm Controller) S250 in-built ...

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