Aluminum oxide sandpapers

4 companies | 4 products
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aluminum oxide sandpaper
aluminum oxide sandpaper

... convenient and flexible, and can quickly achieve the desired smoothness. Metallographic special sandpaper: It is preferred that the abrasive (aluminum oxide, silicon carbide) advanced ...

aluminum oxide sandpaper
aluminum oxide sandpaper
2008.015 series

Sandpaper for curved surfaces with foam. Aluminum oxide stearate. Pre-cutted.

aluminum oxide sandpaper
aluminum oxide sandpaper

Abrasive bands for machine grinding with vibrating grinders use. Specially reinforced sandpaper is resistant to tearing. Hard abrasive grain made of aluminum oxide is characterized by ...

aluminum oxide sandpaper
aluminum oxide sandpaper

Abrasive Paper in handy packaging. Perfect for sanding wood, paint, varnish and filler. QUALITY AND PROPERTIES In handy packaging (4 pieces) Abrasive papers for dry sanding available as package of 4 in grit 80, 120 and 180. Additionally ...

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