Analog isolator-converters

3 companies | 5 products
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analog isolator-converter
analog isolator-converter

... Power supply // input // output circuits assures the integrity of your datas. Description: - AC voltage to DC isolator / converter, 85-265 Vac/dc Power supply: - 85..265 Vac/dc Input: - Voltage, ...

analog isolator-converter
analog isolator-converter

... supply // input // output circuits assures the integrity of your datas. Description: - AC current to DC isolator / converter, 85..265 Vac/dc Power supply: - 85..265 Vac/dc Input: - Current (0..5, ...

analog isolator-converter
analog isolator-converter

Z202 accept an alternate voltage (10..490 Vac) and provides an isolated analog output (mA or V). It disposes also of dip switches to set the specific range, input and output. It can be requested with low or high power ...

analog isolator-converter
analog isolator-converter

... Series Converter AT-PR Input type: 4~20mA, 0~10V DC Current 0/4~20mA, Voltage 0/1~5/10V (Choose DP-type switchable) Primarily designed for use in the general signal conversion and isolation circuit. This section ...

signal isolator-converter
signal isolator-converter

GENERAL DESCRIPTION The universal isolated converter DAT 4530 is able to measure and linearise voltage, current and resistance signals, potentiometers and the standard thermocouples and RTDs with, if required, the cold ...

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