- Detection - Measurement >
- Temperature and Humidity Measurements >
- Analog psychrometer
Analog psychrometers
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Temperature: 20 °F - 120 °F
Measures relative humidity with weather bureau-type wet and dry bulb. • Organic liquid • Pocket-sized plastic case Organic liquid-filled thermometer with white back glass are mounted in a pocket-sized self contained plastic case ...
Temperature: 0 °C - 50 °C
Relative humidity: 3 % - 100 %
Relative humidity, vapour tension and dew point are determined using a psychrometer. This device consists of a set of two equal thermometers: one of them, called "dry thermometer", that serves simply to get the temperature ...
Temperature: -5 °C - 50 °C
Measure relative humidity with weather bureau-type wet and dry bulb thermometers. Two organic liquid filled thermometers with white back glass are mounted in a pocket sized self-contained plastic case designed with a built in slide rule ...
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