Anodizing for the food industry

6 companies | 12 products
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aluminum anodizing
aluminum anodizing

... ESM ESM was created by a group of passionate engineers and technicians that have worked in multinational factories across industries. The group decided to combine their talents, recruit likeminded individuals, and build ...

hard anodizing
hard anodizing

... Color Corporation. We provide the following types of anodizing: Standard anodizing (natural & black) Hard anodizing Anodizing with paint/powder coating afterwards Customized ...

aluminum anodizing
aluminum anodizing

Surface finishing using the anodising process In anodising, we place particular emphasis on occupational safety, environmental protection and quality. Our well-trained team and modern technology ensure that these ...

sulfuric anodizing
sulfuric anodizing

... treatment is 20 to 60 min, the thickness of the oxide film obtained depends on the chemical composition of the alloy and varies according to the application sought and the industrial sector concerned. ...

hard anodizing
hard anodizing

Precision Articles for the Optical Industry Basically, the colour anodizing on parts of this kind and of the types on the following pages 32-36 is used in manually-operated machineries. With respect ...

See the other products
Rohde AG
hard anodizing
hard anodizing

Components for Laboratory Centrifuges Components of this kind in a wide variety of versions rank among the most precise and expensive individual parts in a centrifuge. The extreme accelerating forces, which develop at high rotational ...

See the other products
Rohde AG
hard anodizing
hard anodizing

... barrel galvanizing. However, since the anodized layer has a very high electrical resistance and acts as an insulator, anodizing in a rotating drum is not possible. Aluminum small parts must therefore be clamped in ...

See the other products
Rohde AG
hard anodizing
hard anodizing
Anodized scuffplate

Scuffplate in aluminum EN AW 6401 Milling, drilling, anodization and assembly

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