Anti-static blowers

4 companies | 6 products
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ionizing air blower
ionizing air blower

... IRJ-120 can be installed in series; its mounting kit is available. Like other active antistatic equipment, the rotary ionizing jet must also be connected to an antistatic power supply via a high voltage ...

ionizing air blower
ionizing air blower

... several rotors can be used in series, fixing kit available. Like the other active antistatic equipment, the rotary ionizing jet must also be connected to an antistatic power supply via a high voltage ...

ionizing air blower
ionizing air blower

The IF-02 ionizing fan has been designed to eliminate antistatic charges very quickly and bring the balance to +/- 3V. Its emitters are connected via high voltage resistors and encapsulated with epoxy ...

air blower
air blower

Flow: 440 m³/h - 9,150 m³/h
Nominal power: 0.12 kW - 5.5 kW

Specification: PE plastic blower, Anti-static Forward curved impeller, PP plastic Motor platform powder coated steel Stainless steel nuts and bolts Standard motor, protection ...

ionizing air blower
ionizing air blower
SI F200

The SI F200 stainless steel, ionisation fan comprises a fan system positioned behind two single-row antistatic bars. This creates an ion cloud with which large surfaces can be discharged. ...

ionizing air blower
ionizing air blower
3 ACKH 02

Dual anti-static blower with coupled fan is designed to neutralize the static charges over a large area. Due to high technology used in design it became ...

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