Autoclave self-propelled trailers

2 companies | 3 products
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electric self-propelled trailer
electric self-propelled trailer

Carrying capacity: 10 t - 100 t

... To accomplish its task successfully, the autoclave loader needs to be as low as possible, to maximize available space inside the autoclave. The Seaqx autoclave loader can be as low as ...

battery-powered self-propelled trailer
battery-powered self-propelled trailer
TPP 10

Carrying capacity: 10,000 kg

... can be moved to the silo as and when required. It has a low building height for easy access during the installation. Its retractable wheels have to be pushed down before moving. Once in place, its frame will rest on 3 ...

electric self-propelled trailer
electric self-propelled trailer

Carrying capacity: 0 kg - 150,000 kg

MAIN FEATURES _ Tailor made machine: According to technical specifications _ Capacity adapted to your load (typically 3,000 kg to 250,000 kg or more depending on your needs) _ Wheels or rail wheels or air cushions or a combination _ ...

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