Ball screw brakes

4 companies | 4 products
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disc brake
disc brake
BSB series

Torque: 2, 8, 22, 45, 125 Nm
Rotational speed: 10,000, 5,000 rpm

... off-the-shelf braking solution for any ball screw application. These spring-engaged, air-released brakes eliminate the performance problems associated with electrical ...

ball screw brake
ball screw brake
BSB series

The Nexen Ball Screw Brake is a high-torque, spring-engaged brake acting on the machined end of a ball screw. It serves as a primary ...

disc brake
disc brake
FNB series

Torque: 0.74 - 6
Rotational speed: 3,500 rpm - 5,000 rpm
Power: 10 W - 18 W

... applied brake with a very thin profile which is mainly used for robotic and ball screw applications. This brake does not come with a hub so customers have flexibility ...

friction brake
friction brake

... electric brake systems. Specially designed processes such as end of pipe cleaning simplify subsequent processing. Electric parking brake SFS develops and produces highly efficient ball ...

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