Battery charger DC/DC converters

9 companies | 11 products
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chassis-mounted DC/DC converter
chassis-mounted DC/DC converter
PCMGS14 110 series

Input voltage: 50.4 V - 154 V
Output voltage: 5.1 V
Power: 10.2, 10.7 W

USB Charger for Railway Vehicles ESD-protected design of the charging ports for operation on battery voltages according to EN 50155

open-frame DC/DC converter
open-frame DC/DC converter

Input voltage: 12 V - 800 V
Output voltage: 12 V - 800 V
Power: 100 W - 200,000 W

... request: - DC/DC Regulated Converters of any voltage and power with or without galvanic insulation - Cathodic Protection Power Supplies, supplied in monophase, threephase or by a ...

enclosed DC/DC converter
enclosed DC/DC converter

Input voltage: 10 V - 1,150 V
Output voltage: 60 V - 1,200 V
Power: 200,000 W

The DC-DC power converter is a bidirectional cabinet mountable unit with many different applications. Moreover, the converter can be stacked for achieving higher power ...

enclosed DC/DC converter
enclosed DC/DC converter

Input voltage: 10 V - 380 V
Output voltage: 10 V - 450 V
Power: 15,000 W

... following applications: - electric and hybrid vehicles - on-board power converter in electric/hybrid vehicles - on-board battery/supercaps charger in electric/hybrid ...

enclosed DC/DC converter
enclosed DC/DC converter
Magic series

Input voltage: 24 V
Output voltage: 13.6 V
Power: 300 W

... stabilisation, even when the battery voltage fluctuates due to heavy loads. The galvanic isolation between input and output prevents disruptions to, for instance, communication equipment. •Professional use. •Converter ...

single-output DC/DC converter
single-output DC/DC converter
PAF(D)150 series

Input voltage: 9 V - 160 V
Output voltage: 12 V - 57.6 V
Power: 150 W

... offers both DC/DC and DC/AC conversion, offering a wide range of inputs and output combinations. The portfolio includes high density cassette type converters as well ...

encapsulated DC/DC converter
encapsulated DC/DC converter
MPD 24/12-35/500

Input voltage: 24 V
Output voltage: 12 V - 28.5 V
Power: 580, 500 W

... series DC-DC Converter is a device uses to convert and isolate DC current and voltage. The converter is capable of converting 12V, 24V and 48V DC ...

See the other products
APM Technologies (Dongguan) Co., Ltd.
battery charger DC/DC converter
battery charger DC/DC converter

Input voltage: 600, 750 V
Output voltage: 24 V
Power: 280 W

The CVS-280 is a 280W DC/DC low battery voltage starter that allows getting power straight from the catenary or line contact to start the vehicle. It withstands 4.5kV overvoltage peaks ...

19" rack DC/DC converter
Subrack - Sierra 10 - 48/230

Input voltage: 48 V - 230 V
Output voltage: 48 V - 230 V
Power: 1,200 W - 4,800 W

... all-in-one solution including the Sierra 10 - 48/230 power converters, Inview S Slot monitoring and AC & DC bulk outputs in only 1U high. The system is single-phase and designed for 48 Vdc (DC ...

bidirectional DC/DC converter
bidirectional DC/DC converter
EPC 3k5 648i

Input voltage: 48 V
Output voltage: 600 V
Power: 3,500 W

... bidirectional DC/DC Converters. EPCs (Epic Power Converters) are suitable for a large number of applications ranging from industrial ones to those in the field of renewable ...

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