Battery-powered LHDs

2 companies | 4 products
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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
battery-powered LHD
battery-powered LHD

... two robust battery packs, in waterproof stainless steel boxes, with charging cooler and integrated charger. Unlimited operation of the machine by changing battery modules, thanks to an exclusive patented ...

battery-powered LHD
battery-powered LHD

EMSUNTOUR battery electric underground loader SL10 Battery is an internal combustion shoveling machine designed for small to medium underground metal mines, with a load capacity of 10 ...

battery-powered LHD
battery-powered LHD

EMSUNTOUR battery electric underground loader SL07 Battery is an internal combustion shoveling machine designed for small to medium underground metal mines, with a load capacity of 7 ...

battery-powered LHD
battery-powered LHD

EMSUNTOUR battery electric underground loader SL02 Battery is an internal combustion shoveling machine designed for small to medium underground metal mines, with a load capacity of 2 ...

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