Battery-powered soldering irons

3 companies | 3 products
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battery-powered soldering iron
battery-powered soldering iron
B 50

Off the line, rechargeable Ni-MH-Batteries Heats up in 9 secs. *) Up to 350 consecutive soldering operations Up to 100 soldering joints if tip is allowed to cool off and ...

battery-powered soldering iron
battery-powered soldering iron

... and short heat-up time. Extra-large battery capacity for long operation time. For comfortable, mains-independent soldering. Electronically controlled temperature (470°C) and short heat-up time. Extra-large ...

cordless soldering iron
cordless soldering iron

... status of when the soldering iron is ready to use and when it is safe to touch . Using a 5.0Ah battery (not included), the Ryobi RSI18-0 can provide up to 230 minutes of soldering ...

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