Bellows actuators

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3 companies | 3 products
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linear actuator
linear actuator
Electrak PPA-M

Stroke : 915 mm
Force: 13,350, 6,670 N
Torque: 9 Nm

Electrak® PPA-M Non-Driven Linear Actuators Electrak® PPA-M actuators are designed for robust and versatile multi-purpose functionality. With dual input shaft capability, these actuators ...

linear actuator
linear actuator

Stroke : 300 mm - 5,000 mm
Force: 300 N - 2,000 N
Torque: 0 Nm - 0 Nm

The zip chain actuator has been developed as a linear actuator products using a zip chain. Zip Chain is a chain uniquely developed by Tsubaki. Two chains interlock like a zipper to form a single, strong ...

linear actuator
linear actuator

Stroke : 2,740 mm
Force: 0 kN - 28 kN
Speed: 0 m/s - 0.5 m/s

A heavy duty ball screw actuator designed for the precise actuation of high loads. Built for high loads – Built using strong, yet compact aluminium beam sections, HDCS can transfer loads of up to 28kN. Design flexibility ...

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