Blanket hemming lines

2 companies | 3 products
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cross hemming line
cross hemming line

AUTOMATIC machine for the longitudinal and bilateral BINDING of BLANKETS, COVERLETS etc. Bind's width as per sample (standard are 60/80/100mm) and stitch done with CHAIN stitch sewing machine with 1 or 2 needles according ...

See the other products
cross hemming line
cross hemming line

AUTOMATIC machine for CROSS CUTTING and CROSS BINDING of BLANKETS, COVERLETS etc. Cross cutting at pre-set size with automatic straightening of the product and motorized rotating blade. Cross BINDING made by means ...

See the other products
bed linen hemming line
bed linen hemming line
SM 250

Specially designed to measure, section and hem the four sides of the quilted panel with one or two seams around the external border of each piece. The automatic seaming and trimming makes it easier to join the panel with the perimeter ...

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