Blue rivets

3 companies | 3 products
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blind rivet
blind rivet

Body diameter: 3.2, 4, 4.8, 6.4 mm
Min. and max. grip range: 1 mm - 24 mm
Head diameter: 6.5 mm - 16 mm

PolyGrip (blind rivets) A wide grip range: A single PolyGrip® blind rivet can replace to up to fi ve different dimensions of DIN standard blind rivets. • Outstanding hole fi lling ...

flat-head rivet
flat-head rivet
096 series

Body diameter: 5.5 mm - 7.2 mm
Head diameter: 10 mm

"Quick assembly without tools. Suitable for combining sheets, plates etc. Two parts are needed for every connection! For thin clamping width (from 0.9 mm) you have to use a snap-ring."

cylindrical head rivet
cylindrical head rivet
RS series

Body diameter: 3.2, 4.8, 4 mm
Length: 6 mm - 18 mm

Rivet RS blue zinc plated coating is made of high quality aluminium Applications Metal profiles

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