Boring and surfacing heads

4 companies | 6 products
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{{#pushedProductsPlacement5.length}} {{#each pushedProductsPlacement5}}

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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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boring and surfacing head
boring and surfacing head

S60-FA610 facing head slider transmission is designed with linear rails and a ball screw grade C5 which are incorporated with a servo motor. The roundness of spindle nose is within 0.002mm and repeatability of facing ...

boring and surfacing head
boring and surfacing head

S80-FD880 facing head slider transmission is designed with linear rails and a ball screw grade C5 which are incorporated with a servo motor. The roundness of spindle nose is within 0.002mm and repeatability of facing ...

boring and surfacing head
boring and surfacing head

... Built-in motor spindle with facing head is designed of a ball screw grade C5 driven which are incorporated with a servo motor for feeding. The roundness of spindle nose is within 0.002mm and repeatability of facing head ...

boring and surfacing head
boring and surfacing head
CH series

... Seat pocket geometries Fracking Valve Internal Profiles and Tapers Tubing Hangers with Internal Offset Bore Profiles VAM taper threading Back Counter Boring Internal and External ...

boring and surfacing head
boring and surfacing head

... these heads can perform boring, facing, taper boring, radius forming, chamfering, recessing and threading. Large parts can be machined without having to remove the work ...

boring and surfacing head
boring and surfacing head
GWZA-18 series

Properties and application: Boring diameters range: 2 - 250 mm Boring bar shank diameter: 18 mm Slide feed: ±15 mm Dimensions: 84 x 58 x 80 mm Boring and facing ...

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