Bottle testers

6 companies | 10 products
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oxygen transmission rate tester
oxygen transmission rate tester
OX-TRAN 2/40 series

OX-TRAN 2/40 OTR Analyzer for Packages The OX-TRAN 2/40 series is the next evolution in whole package testing for Oxygen Transmission Rate in controlled conditions. - Oxygen Permeation Analyzer - Packages & Film - ASTM D3985 - ...

oxygen transmission rate tester
oxygen transmission rate tester
OX-TRAN 2/48 series

OX-TRAN 2/48 OTR Analyzer for Packages The OX-TRAN 2/48 series is the ideal solution for ambient whole package testing for Oxygen Transmission Rate. This purpose-built instrument can test more packages in less time than traditional ...

water vapor permeability tester
water vapor permeability tester

Water Vapor Permeability Tester Electrolytic Sensor Method W203 Watef Vapor Permeability Tester Wholly automatic, software easy to use. Curves of transmission rate, water vapor density, humidity and ...

water vapor transmission rate tester
water vapor transmission rate tester

... aluminum foil, aluminized film.etc; (2) - Sheet, panel, rubber, ceramics.etc; (3) - Packaging containers, such as:glass, bottle, cans, boxes, etc; (4) - Expanding application: solar panel, LCD film, medical patch, ...

falling weight impact tester
falling weight impact tester

The GQ-D1 falling ball impact tester is mainly suitable for testing the impact strength of steel balls for food packaging rigid tablets, solid pharmaceutical rigid tablets and plastic bottle cap products. ...

leakage tester
leakage tester
on-site/ASTM F1140 / ISO 11607

The i-Process 6610 Leak & Seal Test and Data Processing System is used in measuring seal strength, seal quality and bursting pressure. It is also applicable to measure the compression resistance and leakage of flexible packages, aseptic ...

compression tester
compression tester

... broken IP splashproof membrane control panel with emergency stop button Description The Multitest-itensile and compression tester is driven by software installed on a computer. Its offers both consistency and reliability ...

clamping force tester
clamping force tester

The Vera evaluate's seal tightness by measuring the Residual Seal Force in the stopper/seal combination of a parenteral package created as a result of the vial sealing process. The Genesis Vera measures residual seal forces on parenteral ...

burst tester
burst tester
PBBT - 0100

Presto’s Digital Bottle burst tester is a highly capable and high-quality testing machine which analysis the strength of PET bottles and amount of pressure that they can tolerate to its ...

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Presto Stantest Pvt. Ltd.
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