Braided cotton packing

5 companies | 5 products
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braided cotton packing
braided cotton packing
LATTYtex 14

Operating temperature: -40 °C - 60 °C

PACKING FOR COLD WATER APPLICATIONS FOR DYNAMIC SEALING SOLUTIONS Braided packing made of cotton yarns, impregnated with a mix of tallow and mica. Applications on ...

braided cotton packing
braided cotton packing

Operating temperature: 100, -30 °C

Composed of pure twisted cotton yarn impregnated yarn-by-yarn with special greases and lubricants, this is a very inexpensive packing, which is used primarily in the naval industry. It can be supplied ...

braided cotton packing
braided cotton packing
3128, 3121

Operating temperature: -50 °C - 120 °C

... Vegetal Fiber Yarns Braided Packings by Dynapack® TESPE are gland packings made of yarns such as Ramie, Cotton, Hemp and impregnated, depending on the use, with grease ...

braided cotton packing
braided cotton packing

Operating temperature: -30 °C - 100 °C

The Merkel Aquastar Hell 4315 is made with DIAPLEX cotton braided packing, and is designed to protect rotary pump shafts. It is also constructed to counteract potential overheating during ...

braided graphite packing
braided graphite packing
JFY-1 series

Operating temperature: -200 °C - 455 °C

... Mainly types: Graphite packing reinforced by cotton fiber---Traditional graphite packing with cotton fiber in each stand Graphite packing reinforced ...

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