Brick primers

4 companies | 5 products
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single-component primer
single-component primer
COSMO® SP-830.171

... bitumen adhesive tapes on various absorbent, mineral substrates, like cement and gypsum fibre board, concrete, stone, brick and lime sand brick masonry, fibrous substrates of soft fibre boards (natural, ...

See the other products
Weiss Chemie
transparent primer
transparent primer
COSMO® SP-830.180

Primer as adhesion improving agent for butyl- and bitumen-jointing tapes onto different absorbent, mineral underground. Primer COSMO® DS-830.180 forms a smooth, permanently sticky film with good water ...

See the other products
Weiss Chemie
acrylic primer
acrylic primer

Capacity: 1, 5, 12 l

High quality pure acrylate-based satin matt thin-layer dispersion paint indicated for applications in exteriors, with film protection against algae and fungi. Universally applicable paint suitable for sound and clean surfaces like for ...

liquid primer
liquid primer

Capacity: 5, 1 l

Insulating primer based on ultrafine resins in aqueous emulsion, for the pre-treatment of walls with smoke stains. Creates an insulating barrier against soot and blackening that tend to form in the presence of heating ...

protective primer
protective primer

Capacity: 5, 1 l

... solvent-borne water resistant acrylic primer with excellent adhesion. Recommended use It has great penetration ability and excellent adhesion to porous substrates like plaster, gypsumboards, cement, bricks, ...

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