Burnished steel zero-point clamping units

3 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
{{#if product.productPrice }} {{#if product.productPrice.price }}

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plate zero-point clamping unit
plate zero-point clamping unit

The pneumatic zero-point clamping system for the RoboTrex 52 automation system is actuated via the pneumatic interface of the gripper on the robot or controlled by the machine tool. Thanks ...

horizontal machining center zero-point clamping unit
horizontal machining center zero-point clamping unit

The pneumatic zero-point clamping system for the RoboTrex 96 automation system is actuated via the pneumatic interface of the gripper on the robot or controlled by the machine tool. Like ...

steel zero-point clamping unit
steel zero-point clamping unit
EH 23111. series

The positioning clamping pin allows fast clamping, fastening, adjusting, changing and securing of workpieces, plates, fixture systems etc. Material Heat-treated steel, tempered, ...

burnished steel zero-point clamping unit
burnished steel zero-point clamping unit
FT 02296

... milling performance. Furthermore the Z-supports of the alu pallets do not have to be forced additionally. Material: Burnished steel Positioning exactness: ± 0,005 mm Air supply: 1/8“ open MTS chuck 7 bar

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