Bus DC/DC converters

6 companies | 7 products
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SMD DC/DC converter module
SMD DC/DC converter module

Input voltage: 3 V - 13.8 V
Output voltage: 0.59 V - 5.1 V
Power: 15 W - 400 W

... products, the second generation of Datacom POL power modules provide wide input range for more bus voltage point-of-load applications. Datacom POL power converters can cover output current ...

SMD DC/DC converter
SMD DC/DC converter
VI BRICK™ IBC series

Input voltage: 36 V - 60 V
Output voltage: 9.6 V - 48 V
Power: 300 W - 850 W

The Intermediate Bus Converter (IBC) Modules are a very efficient, low profile, isolated, fixed ratio converters for power system applications in enterprise and optical access networks. Rated ...

battery charger DC/DC converter
battery charger DC/DC converter

Input voltage: 600, 750 V
Output voltage: 24 V
Power: 280 W

The CVS-280 is a 280W DC/DC low battery voltage starter that allows getting power straight from the catenary or line contact to start the vehicle. It withstands 4.5kV overvoltage peaks and it has been ...

printed circuit DC/DC converter
printed circuit DC/DC converter

Input voltage: 230 V - 1,000 V
Output voltage: 48, 28, 270, 31 V
Power: 0 W - 3,400 W

... unregulated intermediate bus. It is offered in a standard full-brick and half-brick module. The Mil-COTS bus converters are ideal for creating the mid-bus voltage required ...

See the other products
bidirectional DC/DC converter
bidirectional DC/DC converter
EPC 3k5 648i

Input voltage: 48 V
Output voltage: 600 V
Power: 3,500 W

... bidirectional DC/DC Converters. EPCs (Epic Power Converters) are suitable for a large number of applications ranging from industrial ones to those in the field of renewable ...

IC DC/DC converter module
IC DC/DC converter module
MYC series

Input voltage: 5.5 V - 60 V
Output voltage: 3, 2, 4 V

... inductor in one package and the technology is ideally suited to provide "Lossless" step-down voltage conversion for intermediate bus system to support downstream Point-of-Load and enable highest level efficiency.

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