Cathodic protection adhesive tape

2 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/if}} {{#if product.hasVideo}}
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sealing adhesive tape
sealing adhesive tape
TE 80

Width: 5 cm - 100 cm
Operating temperature: 0, 40 °C

Bu-tylene TE 80 is a self-adhesive sealing tape consisting of a high-performance butyl rubber adhesive compound, protected by an aluminium coloured 80 µm Low Density Polyethylene film. Bu-tylene ...

protection adhesive tape
protection adhesive tape
ZincTape® - Zincofix - Zinc-o-fix

The adhesive tape manufactured by Metalnastri is a made from zinc plated materials, wherein, it compromises a layer that has a percentage of 99.99 pure zinc. Additionally, the layers have 25 microns of ...

zinc adhesive tape
zinc adhesive tape
ZincTape® - Zincofix - Zinc-o-fix

Length: 50 m
Width: 10 mm - 300 mm

... Zinc-o-fix Series is manufactured by Metalnastri, is a zinc adhesive tape for naval industry and cathodic protection industry. Wherein it has a more effective development ...

conductive adhesive tape
conductive adhesive tape
ZincTape® - Zincofix - Zinc-o-fix

The ZincTape is a superior quality adhesive tape which consists of a layer of 99,99% pure zinc 80 microns thick integrated with 25 microns of adhesive protected by a removable silicon-made ...

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