Ceiling-mounted air diffusers

2 companies | 3 products
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rectangular air diffuser
rectangular air diffuser

Air flow: 40 m³/h - 378 m³/h

... linear diffuser, with the plenum forming a single body with the diffuser itself. Features: • made entirely of anti-condensation PVC, an anti-condensation, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal material, ...

circular air diffuser
circular air diffuser

Air flow: 54 m³/h - 180 m³/h

... FASTENING: ceiling-mounted or fitted directly on the ventilation or return duct in service rooms • INSTALLATION HEIGHT: 2.5 – 4 m • USE: suitable for injecting or extracting air ...

circular air diffuser
circular air diffuser

Air flow: 100 m³/h - 400 m³/h

Steel ventilation valve diffuser. The air flow rate is adjusted by screwing (reducing the flow rate) or unscrewing (increasing the flow rate) the central disc. SPECIFICATION • MATERIAL: ...

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