Cement test chambers

2 companies | 3 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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climate chamber
climate chamber

Capacity: 140 l - 1,800 l
Temperature: -90 °C - 250 °C
Length: 540, 900, 700, 1,150, 1,000 mm

... Environmental test chamber EXCAL² range represents the whole Climats's expertise in 8 standard test volumes. You can olso optimize your environmental test chamber ...

climate chamber
climate chamber

Capacity: 600, 1,200 l
Temperature: -5 °C - 60 °C
Length: 1,980 mm

... Highly suitable for keeping 98%rH and stable temperature. Chambers designed to test the curing of cement, concrete and mortar samples, according to ASTM C192/C192M-14, IEC 679. Various ...

climate chamber
climate chamber
FitoClima S600/D1200 PHCI

Capacity: 300 l - 1,200 l
Temperature: -5 °C - 50 °C
Length: 1,340 mm

Chambers built for testing the cure of concrete, cement and mortars, in accordance with EN, IEC and DIN standards for buidling materials. Several optional accessories for radiation aging, CO2 and specifically ...

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