Chains for the printing industry

2 companies | 3 products
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BS chain
BS chain

Chain pitch: 9.525 mm - 50.8 mm

BS roller Chain is made according to British Standard. The uniqueness includes Solid Bushing & Roller having no seam which creates outstanding character against initial elongation and wear.

self-lubricating chain
self-lubricating chain
Freedom Series

Chain pitch: 12.7 mm - 50.8 mm

Freedom Series Self-Lubricating Chains performs well in the application without additional lubrication. Higher wear resistant Oil impregnated sintered steel bushing provides self-lubricating and it is ideal for the ...

power transmission chain
power transmission chain
A series(1,2,3)

Chain pitch: 6.35 mm - 76.2 mm

Chinabase is a China Chain manufacturer & exporter, specializing in manufacture of various types of chains. One of the premium chain type that it offers is the high quality roller chains, ...

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