Chemical reaction autoclaves

4 companies | 4 products
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laboratory autoclave
laboratory autoclave
TLV-PD Series

Maximum temperature: 105 °C - 140 °C
Effective capacity: 58 l - 155 l

... from 50 years of experience in autoclave manufacturing for multiple applications. RAYPA offers you several autoclave options, ranging from state-of-the-art autoclaves for research professionals ...

hydrogenation autoclave
hydrogenation autoclave

... into a liquid phase, typically for applications requiring gas-liquid mixing, such as oxygenation, hydrogenation, or other reactions that involve the transfer of gases into liquids.

high-pressure autoclave
high-pressure autoclave
A series

Maximum temperature: 300 °C - 500 °C
Effective capacity: 100 ml - 100,000 ml

For chemical reactions like hydrogenation, oxidation, alkylation, chlorination. carboxylation, nitration, polymerization, amination, bromination, ethoxylation, esterification, sulphonation etc. 50ml to ...

laboratory autoclave
laboratory autoclave

Maximum temperature: 0 °C - 400 °C
Effective capacity: 1 m³ - 100 m³

... all accessary machinery to decrease the energy consumption. ★ Characters: to design the autoclave under different buyer technology receipts , to make autoclave the one that completely match the composite products .

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