Cherry cluster removers

3 companies | 3 products
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cherry cluster remover
cherry cluster remover

POMEGRANATE DEPODDING & CHERRY DESTEMMING LINE for juice industry. Capacity : 20 tons/hr of Pomegranate Depodding / 25 tons/hr of Sourcherry Destemming. It consits of below equipment: - Optional Crate Feeder-Dumper ...

grape cluster remover
grape cluster remover
GDM 35

... destemming machine is ideal for preparing fruit salad. Max. capacity up to 500 kg/h • Gentle removal of stems from grapes, cherry tomatoes, dates or kiwi berries • Precise adjustability for a maximum yield and ...

grape cluster remover
grape cluster remover

Picking grapes, dates and cherry tomatoes with the destemmer surpasses manual processing. The machine is unique because, like no other comparable machine, it can pick the fruit from the vine with a rotating movement. ...

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