Choker hooks

3 companies | 4 products
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lifting hook
lifting hook
CS series

Carrying capacity: 20 kN - 53 kN

fork hook
fork hook
MKFP 100

Carrying capacity: 9,810 N

MKFP 100 HOOK FOR FORKS Robust hook for forks. Load 1000 kg. The hook for forks MKFP 100 is made from a sturdy steel frame suitable for insertion of forks with section max. mm. 135x50, ...

grab hook
grab hook

Carrying capacity: 56 kN

The PCA-1282 is designed to be used with our choker chain PCA-1295 or our rope choker PCA-1372. Its latch prevents the chokers from slipping out of the hook when there ...

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Carrying capacity: 56 kN

... the PCA-1299, you can easily transform an existing chain with links between 6 and 8 mm in diameter into a high-performance choker chain. An easy and safe process!

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