Chrome steel balls

5 companies | 5 products
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chrome steel ball
chrome steel ball

Diameter: 1 mm - 45 mm

Chrome Steel 52100 Series Balls contain chromium and, due to thorough hardening, has excellent surface quality and high load capability. 52100 Chrome Steel ...

chrome steel ball
chrome steel ball

High performance bearing steel balls, they feature highest Chromium and Molibdenum contents between the hardened steels listed by ISO 683-17 standard. Excellent hardenability on pieces ...

chrome steel ball
chrome steel ball

Diameter: 0.5 mm - 200 mm

... monition, Balls lead screws, grinding media Feature: Universal material for ball and roller bearing industry. Chrome steel balls containchromium ...

stainless steel ball
stainless steel ball

... include AISI 440C stainless steel, SAE 52100 chrome steel, beryllium copper and ceramics. Performance testing for noise and friction torque specifications available. Applications ...

steel ball
steel ball

Diameter: 0.5 mm - 250 mm

At DEMY, we can provide wide range of steel balls in different materials and precision. Stainless steel, chrome steel and carbon steel ...

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