Clean room connectors

2 companies | 4 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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{{/each}} {{/pushedProductsPlacement5.length}}
data connector
data connector

As a partner (not distributing company) of enterprises in medical technology we have fully adapted to the very special requirements of this industry. In close cooperation with our customers we develop system solutions - fast and target-oriented. ...

electrical power supply connector
electrical power supply connector
DV 206

Operating temperature: 5 °C - 80 °C

The DV 206 high voltage distributor, offers you the option of extending your existing discharge system by a further member of the KERSTEN neXt® product Family. Specifications Passive high voltage distributor 2 high voltage sockets

cable connector
cable connector

Voltage: max 6.0 kV
Operating temperature: 5 °C - 80 °C

The high voltage cable extension of the KERSTEN neXt® product family supports you in this. It will allow you to always adapt your existing systems to your changing circumstances. Specifications Option to split a high voltage cable ...

high-voltage connector
high-voltage connector
DV 106

Operating temperature: 5 °C - 80 °C

The DV 106 high-voltage connector serves as a link between the generator and discharge components. The system can be expanded due to its additional slots. Specifications Passive high voltage distributor 5 reverse ...

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