Cleaner compressors

6 companies | 6 products
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{{#each product.featureValues}} {{content}} {{/each}}
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{{/end}} {{/each}}


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air compressor
air compressor

Pressure: 10 bar
Flow: 240 l/min
Power: 2.2 kW

The perfect air source Pressure, pressure and more pressure! This is what your Teinnova pneumatic equipment needs. The AR-20 is your perfect partner when you need all the force of compressed air in your Tecai Element or Element Auto ...

air compressor
air compressor

Pressure: 7 bar
Flow: 550, 420 l/min

ELECTRIC AIR COMPRESSOR CM5 ELECTRIC AIR COMPRESSOR WITH CIRCUIT BREAKER AND ONE EXPRESS COUPLING OUTLET Suitable for: D50 sandblasting machine and Colibri sodablast machine painting gun stapler inflator ...

rotary vane compressor
rotary vane compressor
HR 04 - 07

Pressure: 7 bar - 10 bar
Flow: 0.6 m³/min - 1.27 m³/min
Power: 4 kW - 7.5 kW

... continuously monitoring the parameters of the compressor. The Hydrovane Pro also has the capability to have programmable inputs and outputs for increased control of ancillary equipment. How does Hydrovane compressor ...

screw compressor
screw compressor
Rollair 151-220 V PM

Pressure: 4 bar - 10 bar
Flow: 1,415 m³/h - 1,737 m³/h
Power: 110, 132, 160 kW

The Rollair 151-220 V PM range of lubricated screw compressors is a major innovation! These compressors provide high quality compressed air while saving energy! AVAILABLE MODELS: Exists in Fixed or ...

air compressor
air compressor

Tank volume: 9 l
Pressure: 2.5, 3, 4 bar
Flow: 230 l/min

The Minispray Compressor is a portable sanitising system for all environments The Minispray Compressor is a portable sanitising system for all environments. Operating with compressed air the Minispray ...

air compressor
air compressor

... technology Telco compressors provide the following: •Low noise •Low vibration •High efficiency •High quality •High reliability Application •Air conditioner •Air pump •Home and industrial refrigeration •High ...

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