Compact air and nitrogen generators

7 companies | 24 products
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pure air and nitrogen generator
pure air and nitrogen generator
IMT MN series

Flow rate: 4.7 m³/h - 160 m³/h

Nitrogen from 4,70 Nm³/h – 160,00 Nm³/h Nitrogen purity from 95% up to 99,5% IMT MN: Produce nitrogen in constant operation with proven membrane technology Efficient and therefore ...

high-purity air and nitrogen generator
high-purity air and nitrogen generator

Flow rate: 0 l/min - 25 l/min
Output pressure: 6.5 bar

... iQ MPAES is a Nitrogen Generator with Membrane technology. It is engineered to transform standard compressed air into a safe, regulated supply of Nitrogen ...

high-purity air and nitrogen generator
high-purity air and nitrogen generator

Flow rate: 40 l/min
Output pressure: 8 bar

NGA CASTORE XS iQ SHI is a Nitrogen Generator with Membrane technology. It is engineered to transform standard compressed air into a safe, regulated supply of Nitrogen ...

membrane air and nitrogen generator
membrane air and nitrogen generator
Infinity XE 60

Flow rate: 10 l/min - 500 l/min
Output pressure: 135 psi
Gas purity: 99.5 %

... high purity nitrogen gas, the Infinity XE 60 series nitrogen membrane gas generators can comfortably supply multiple laboratory instruments with instrument grade nitrogen. Offering ...

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PEAK Scientific
pure air and nitrogen generator
pure air and nitrogen generator
Genius XE SMZ

Flow rate: 27, 29 l/min
Output pressure: 100, 99 psi

... technology with refined and robust engineering to provide a premium standalone on-demand nitrogen and air gas generator. Built upon the best-in-class Genius XE nitrogen ...

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PEAK Scientific
pure air and nitrogen generator
pure air and nitrogen generator
Genius XE SCI 2

Flow rate: 26, 32, 25 l/min
Output pressure: 60, 105, 70 psi

... spectrometry systems, the Genius XE SCI 2 gas generator is a cutting-edge evolution in laboratory gas generation combining advanced technology with refined and robust engineering. A premium standalone nitrogen ...

See the other products
PEAK Scientific
pure air and nitrogen generator
pure air and nitrogen generator

Flow rate: 3, 1, 1.5 l/min
Output pressure: 6 bar
Gas purity: 99.9995 %

... ECONOMY Pure Nitrogen and Pure Air gas produced as standard. IMPROVED SAFETY Pure Nitrogen and Pure Air produced at low pressure and ambient temperature removes ...

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pure air and nitrogen generator
pure air and nitrogen generator

Flow rate: 5, 1, 1.5, 3 l/min
Output pressure: 6 bar
Gas purity: 99.9995 %

... ECONOMY Pure Nitrogen and Pure Air gas produced as standard. IMPROVED SAFETY Pure Nitrogen and Pure Air produced at low pressure and ambient temperature removes ...

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dry air and nitrogen generator
dry air and nitrogen generator

Flow rate: 32 l/min - 250 l/min
Output pressure: 5.5 bar

... The CALYPSO.2G/1.BR is a dual flow generator, which has been specifically designed to meet the nitrogen and dry air needs to supply the Bruker EVOQ triple quadrupole LCMS. The generator ...

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dry air and nitrogen generator
dry air and nitrogen generator
G series

Flow rate: 0.6 l/min - 1.5 l/min
Output pressure: 5 bar
Gas purity: 99.9 %

... purity nitrogen and air. Produces a continuous supply of high purity nitrogen (99.999%) and dry air. Parker domnick hunter G6 and G7 nitrogen and ...

dry air and nitrogen generator
dry air and nitrogen generator

Flow rate: 55 l/min
Output pressure: 7.5 bar
Rated capacity: 2.5 kW

... analysers with Nitrogen and Air GAS TYPE nitrogen and air PURITY - CONFIGURATION - - Provides Nitrogen up to 30 Nl/min + Dry Air ...

high-purity air and nitrogen generator
high-purity air and nitrogen generator
Inspiration SX1 Nitrogen Gas Generator

The Inspiration SX1 gas generator has been designed specifically to support the full range of Sciex Mass Spectrometers. The Inspiration SX1 gas generator has been designed specifically to support the ...

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Lab Gas Parts Ltd
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