Compact illuminance spectrophotometers

4 companies | 4 products
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visible illuminance spectrophotometer
visible illuminance spectrophotometer

Wavelength: 360 nm - 780 nm

... standards. Compact, lightweight illuminance spectrophotometer Wavelength range 360 – 780 nm Data output: CRI, illuminance, chromaticity, and colour temperature Conforms ...

compact illuminance spectrophotometer
compact illuminance spectrophotometer

Wavelength: 360 nm - 780 nm

The CL-500A is a lightweight, compact illuminance spectrophotometer used for the evaluation of high-class, next-generation lamps such as LED and EL illumination. It is the first handheld ...

color illuminance spectrophotometer
color illuminance spectrophotometer

Wavelength: 360 nm - 780 nm
Bandwith: 10 nm
Width: 70 mm

... such as illuminance, color temperature, Color Rendering Index (CRI), chromaticity, spectral power distribution, and more, in both indoor and outdoor settings. The Konica Minolta Illuminance Spectrophotometer ...

visible illuminance spectrophotometer
visible illuminance spectrophotometer

Wavelength: 380 nm - 750 nm

... measurement of all conventional and modern light sources such as LEDs and OLEDs. All characteristic measured quantities such as illuminance, correlated color temperature, color rendering index, color coordinates in accordance ...

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