Conductor-filled seals

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3 companies | 4 products
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O-ring seal
O-ring seal

Temperature limit: -55 °C - 200 °C
Shore A hardness: 65 unit

O-ring seal
O-ring seal

Temperature limit: -55 °C - 150 °C
Shore A hardness: 65 unit

conductor-filled seal
conductor-filled seal

Temperature limit: -55 °C - 200 °C

... material is made with silicone filled with conductive particles (Carbon, Nickel Graphite, Silver Aluminum, Silver Copper, Silver pure). It provides excellent shielding against electromagnetic interference EMI RFI, and ...

flat seal
flat seal

Temperature limit: -55 °C - 200 °C

Flat gaskets are cut from moulded sheet using state of the art reciprocation knife cutting technology or rule dies. Larger gaskets can be cut from moulded or fabricated picture frames. This option has ...

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