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- Conveyor for the recycling industry
Conveyors for the recycling industry

CONVEYOR BELTS We produce tailormade conveyor belts • Iron /aluminium • Flats with /without side rails • Straight / Curved articulated

Maximum load: 200, 240 kg
Speed: 10 m/s
CARDAN TYPE CONVEYORS Movement of cardan type conveyors on X, Y and Z axes provides advantages over other conveyor types. The conveyor rail is manufactured from black ...

... other solids from industrial processes. The entire process of material transport takes place within a closed tube or a lidded trough. Gentle movement in an enclosed pipe prevents odor nuisance and ...

... or belt conveyors Thimon's handling range offers various conveying systems for your end of line depending on your activity and environment: • roller conveyors, • chains conveyors, • ...

... processing, the printer inside environment have to be considered as a hazardous area Zone 20, explosion proof is necessary for this powder conveyor.

Speed: 2.78 m/s
Bulk throughput: 600 t/h
Effective width: 1 m
The tracked mobile stackers are easy to set up conveyors with low operational costs. Using these conveyors reduces on-site material handling which means increasing profit margins. Engine power - 44 kW Feed ...

Are you looking for a material handling solution for your industrial and logistic flows? NORCAN designs and manufactures a comprehensive range of conveyors to continuously transport products and ...

Speed: 0.8 m/s - 5 m/s
... mining, ports, chemical industry, light industry, oil and machinery industries, conveying all types of bulk materials and complete articles. Belt conveyor ...

Bulk throughput: 15 t/h - 55 t/h
GN Screw Conveyor is popular in the oil gas industry for transfer the drilling cuttings to feed to the cuttings dryer,and cuttings colletction box.GN designed 3 size of diamter, 12inch, 14inch,18inch, ...

Connecting washing line to pelletizing line The screw conveyor is to feed the washed scraps pelletizing line and reducing the labor. With an intelligent feeding control system, it detects the pelletizing line’s processing ...
Genius Machinery Co., Ltd

... particles. Introduction Belt conveyors are widely used as economical conveying equipment. Specially designed for recycling and plastic manufacturing business, Wiscon belt conveyors ...
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