Conveyor servomotors

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Conveyor servomotors | Choosing the right electric motor
An electric motor is an electromechanical device that converts electrical energy into mechanical energy. Most often, the movement is rotary, with mechanical energy characterized by rotational speed and motor torque. This buying guide will only cover this type of motor. Linear motors will be covered in another buying guide. It is estimated that electric motor systems account for 46% of the world’s electricity consumption. In industry, electric motors are...
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AC servo motor
AC servo motor
V7U Series

Power: 0.1 kW - 7.5 kW
Intensity: 10.9 A - 17 A
Torque: 28.01 Nm - 47.75 Nm

V7U Series Servo Motor Overview VEICHI V7U Series Servo Motor is used together with the newly upgraded SD700 servo drive. Excellent performance design enables our motors to be widely used in various ...

servomotor with built-in electronics
servomotor with built-in electronics
esiMot series

Power: 60 W - 4,400 W
Torque: 0.22 Nm - 47 Nm
Rotational speed: 1,600 rpm - 6,000 rpm

The esiMot series is a brushless DC electric servo-motor with integrated motion controller. This series has a power range from 120 up to 600 watts. This is characterized to have integrated positioning, an speed-/torque ...

AC servomotor
AC servomotor
XtraforsBC series

Intensity: 1.44 A - 8.25 A
Torque: 0.35 Nm - 28 Nm
Rotational speed: 3,000 rpm - 10,000 rpm

BC 72 New Series Mavilor Motor • Compact Size • Light • Robust It is a robust motor with a high speed and high torque in small dimensions

AC servomotor
AC servomotor

Torque: 0.1 Nm - 70 Nm

AC Servomotors are the link between conventional three-phase-asynchronous motors and dynamic synchronous-servomotors. They cover a torque range from 0.1 Nm to 70 Nm - a wide spectrum of typical servo ...

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