Crane permanent magnetic lifters

3 companies | 3 products
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manually switched permanent magnetic lifter
manually switched permanent magnetic lifter
SH 35-K |SH 60-K

Lifting force: 1 kN

Since decades, Crane Transporters of the SH series have been considered to be the optimal solution for transport of sheets by crane, also for larger formats. Contrary to normal lifting magnets, crane ...

manually switched permanent magnetic lifter
manually switched permanent magnetic lifter
MK-xxxKS series

... processed, smooth and clean. •Never exceed the safe workload. •Hand magnets have safety factor 2. •Crane magnets have safety factor 3. •It is forbidden to be under the load of a crane ...

manually switched permanent magnetic lifter
manually switched permanent magnetic lifter
LPH series

Lifting force: 10 kN - 20 kN

[Application] Permanent magnetic type lifting magnets used as a lifting section of cranes and hoists for transportation of steels in warehouses or machining shops or ...

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