Cutters with interchangeable blades

5 companies | 5 products
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cutter with interchangeable blades
cutter with interchangeable blades

Blade length: 80 mm

General-purpose knife with 2-component handle with 3 blades, 9 mm Blade extends and retracts in precise metal guide, stops automatically. High quality blades, extremely ...

cutter with interchangeable blades
cutter with interchangeable blades

Blade length: 100 mm

Professional Cutter - metal body Metal blade guide Ergonomic, non-slip handle Ultra sharp black blade - SK4 - HRC > 65, thickness 0,7 mm Resists a peak load of 60 Kg Significantly ...

cutter with interchangeable blades
cutter with interchangeable blades

... use. Built-in blade snapper. Color - Pink Applicable holder/Spare blade - Light-Duty blades (BA-160, BA-160e, BA1P, BA-170, BA-100, BA13P, BA5SS, BA-300, BA-50P, BA-1400, BA-4000, ...

cutter with interchangeable blades
cutter with interchangeable blades

... Switchable rail cutter The power and torque of its suitable equipment are enough to support it. Interchangeable blade design, the shank can be reused, it is suitable for high-rigidity ...

cutter with interchangeable blades
cutter with interchangeable blades

Convenient strap cutting tool that allows the user to safely keep a blade available throughout the shrink wrapping process.

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