Cylinder displacement sensors

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draw-wire displacement sensor
draw-wire displacement sensor
CDS1210 series

Measuring range: 0 mm - 10,000 mm
Linearity: 0 % - 0.2 %

... potentiometer displacement sensors are suitable for motion control and position measurement. This potentiometer is coupled to the drum, so the mechanical movement is converted into a resistance value ...

linear displacement sensor
linear displacement sensor

Measuring range: 80 mm - 5,000 mm

... to zero. Description Magnetostrictive displace sensor is a high-precision position measuring sensor developed with magnetostrictive principle to measure linear displacement. Because ...

linear displacement sensor
linear displacement sensor
PS series

Linearity: max 1.0 %
Measuring rate: 5 Hz - 2,000 Hz

... ground clearance of ploughs, breakers, and asphalt machine dimensioning, etc DESCRIPTION PS-range sensors are designed to measure angle displacements over 340° to 350°. They can make different revolutions ...

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