Cylindrical testers

5 companies | 6 products
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conical mandrel bending tester
conical mandrel bending tester
1500 series

The Elcometer 1500 Cylindrical Mandrel is a simple instrument for determining the elasticity, adhesion and cracking of dry paint on flat specimens, consisting of a mandrel support which also serves as a test stand. Coated ...

mandrel bending tester
mandrel bending tester

Coating bend testers – SA564 SA566 SA568 Coating bend tester is widely employed to determine the coating crack resistance or the stripping performance, by bending the sample around the interchangeable ...

direct-contact tester
direct-contact tester
RO 7000

... close to a bearing plane. The measuring signal of the eddy current sensors will be influenced by deviations from the ideal circular geometry of the respective rotor plane (mechanical runout) and by residual magnetism ...

impact tester
impact tester
0305 series

Hand-Held Enamel Impact Tester Hand-Held Impact Tester, for impact resistance test of flat or curved vitrified enamel covered surfaces according to WAGNER, in accordance with DIN 51155 and ISO 4532 norms, ...

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cylindrical tester
cylindrical tester

... deformation conditions. Bend Test A coated metal sheet is bent over a cylindrical or conical mandrel and the coating observed for cracks and discolouration. This cylindrical mandrel bend tester ...

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mandrel bending tester
mandrel bending tester
EN ISO 1519, ASTM D 522 | 266 S

The 266 S by Erichsen is a cylindrical mandrel bending tester which is designed for testing the flexibility and the adhesive properties of coatings. This is tested through a series bending within a tested ...

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